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Homeschooling Support

As part of this package, students have access to our professionally designed online courses in addition to the support of professional tutors. Our online courses follow the Cambridge International Curriculum giving our students the flexibility to study at the academy, at home, or while traveling the world while still getting a quality education.


Students are free to bring their questions and study materials to the academy 20 hours a week. Our tutors will work with them to find answers to their questions. They will encourage them to do their own research and study with their peers, helping them become independent learners, an essential skill to succeed at university and in their future careers. Customized support and flexibility will guarantee your child develops a lasting passion for learning. Beyond gaining access qualified tutors, students attending the academy have the opportunity to socialize and learn from their peers and participate in a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities. 

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Coaching and Courses

Teacher and Student

Personalize Support & Coaching

Students are assigned a performance coach to help them succeed. They are systematically assessed and provided personalized guidance to ensure their academic success.​

Our online courses cover all key subjects of the Cambridge International Secondary Curriculum.


Transcripts and Diplomas

For Lower Secondary students taking our courses, we provide an end-of-course report based on your child’s performance in their chosen courses. Our fees are inclusive of core subject courses (English, Mathematics, and Science (1) for lower secondary and IGCSE students; a choice of any 3 A level courses we have available for A level students). Beyond an end-of-course report card, Upper Secondary students taking our courses will receive a certificate (IGCSE and A levels) from the Cambridge examination board upon taking the required exams.

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